Monday, March 10, 2014

Blog #25: Week Reflection Mar. 3-7

This week was all presentations! I had no stress whatsoever this week in LA, since I went the previous Friday. This felt really good and allowed me to catch up in other classes at home. The presentations have continued to be very good and I have enjoyed them very much. One in particular was Noah's. His visual was very entertaining and extremely creative. First of all, his canto was about the liars or deceptors sent to hell. These people are two-faced in hell because they say they are one thing, but turn out to be completely different. So for his visual, he brought in a piñata that was burned on one side, to represent the two faces of the sinners. Also, during his presentation, he told the class there was candy in the piñata like there should be, but when it was opened there were vegetables instead. This was really mean in the moment but was a great interactive representation of his canto.

All the others were good, too, but as I had feared, they do get quite repetitive. It is hard to stay interested just because we haven't read the whole Inferno through. We only had our canto and stuck to it. This isolation, for me, made the others less interesting. One I thought was interesting, though, was Canto 20, which Garyn presented on. This canto was about the diviners, and was interesting to me because diviners have been very influential in early history, yet Dante puts them in Hell. It is just interesting to see how Dante thinks about certain people and apply the punishments to his time to make more sense of the book itself. I thought this unit was pretty interesting and it combined Campbell's hero's cycle with Aristotle's tragic hero.

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