Monday, January 20, 2014

Week Reflection: Post #17

This week, we unfortunately had to wake up from our honeymoon period of returning to school after our long, cushy break. We finished the transcendent movie Baraka, and wrote a reflective mini-essay on it. The film was very intriguing and imaginative, breaking the mold of what humans think about this world. Personally, it changed my views quite a bit, and showed me the immense range of humans and cultures we have on Earth. The ignorance of this fact, though, is what the filmmakers were trying to get across. They were saying how the metropolitan areas of the world of today have lost any decency or compassion it once had, and this has been replaced by cruelty and war.
Following the movie, we quickly transitioned into our new topic, the tragic play Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles. We were forced to do a good amount of research that surrounds this topic, and although it was very arduous and overall annoying, I do believe it allowed for a more smooth reading experience and greater understanding of the play. At the end of the week, we started actually reading the play, after days of anticipation and research. I have enjoyed it so far, and can definitely feel the dramatic irony forced upon the readers by Sophocles. I look forward to reading it more and hopefully it doesn't end in tragedy... :) I'm not too confident with that, though...

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